Friday, January 20, 2012

The doll story-3

Next day when the servants went to your grandmother's chamber, they found her in a pool of blood. It was horrible. She was hale and healthy when she went to bed. No one was able to explain. I came to know of the news and reached the palace. I observed her face was bluish. She had been poisoned,that much I was sure.
"Lady Tensila, sorry to interrupt you. But you are the lady of time, can't you know everything?" asked Polly.
Lady Tensila smiled. "You are smart Priscilla. But the answer to your question is no. I belong with the Gods in the heaven. I am here in Strombton as a favor for your Grandmother. I will tell you some other day why I came to earth. My powers in earth are limited. In short I can manipulate with events of the future. But with past I cannot do much. That is the reason I advised Queen Embrill,your mother that its safe that you be sent to future, an era which Mathew cannot find out."
"Then can't you see the future and tell what will happen to Mathew? "
"Oh Dear Priscilla, you are impatient as well. But you should understand that I am no fortune teller. My job is to maintain all activities that happen are balancing to Mother Earth. I was created to support Mother Earth. I have traveled though time and informed Mother Earth of the activities happening in past and future that can destroy life on earth and kill her children . The course of a person's action can vary and so can his future. A man may be traveling though a route. He may come across a midsection where there can be two different routes leading to the same place. If he takes a route to his left he may come across a different fate and if he takes the right he may come across a different one. But the route he takes is his own decision. And in the case of Mathew he can manipulate people and things. So seeing his future is like searching a drop of water in the ocean. Likewise if I go on searching the future of Mathew I may get lost going through the different courses his life may take. I will never find out the real one."
"Oh, sorry for interrrupting. You were telling about finding Grandmother dead." said Polly.
Lady Tensila smiled. "It is alright Prescilla. Yes, I was sure she was poisoned. It must have been a deadly herb that killed the queen. The whole kingdom was mourning. King Promfer and Thomas were very broken. In the ceremony all were present except Mathew. I doubted that Mathew had something to do with the poisoning. I checked for him in the entire kingdom. I looked into his past and found him entering the royal kitchen and mixing a portion in the Queen's drink. This confirmed my doubts. I went looking for Mathew throughout the palace. But I never found him. Only a note left by him was found saying he was very sad about his grandmother's death and he was leaving the kingdom. A few days after he left the palace I looked into his past again. I saw him entering the forests of Kimbery and walking. He had absolutely nothing in his possession but he looked confident and very sure of himself. After a certain point I was not able to see him. The forests of Kimbery had a magical element in them because of a wily socerer named Dragister. I assumed that Mathew had gone to meet him. Thomas was very heartbroken. First he lost his wife and now his son disappeared. It was ten long years. Everyone thought that Mathew died in the forests. "
But he did not.


Deepti said...

I love the story...when r u going to post next one??

Anu said...

Thanks Deepti :)
Very soon...